The Sixteenth Century Society and Conference is coming to
Fort Worth, Texas from Thu. Oct. 27 to Sun. Oct. 30. There will be a few papers
on the Radical Reformation presented. So, for those unable to pay the $93 cover
charge or unable to travel to dear old Ft. Worth, I will be giving updates on
primary theses & arguments of these papers.
The panels I intend on attending with the relevant papers to
be read in those panels will follow, although my participation may change.
Also, I may not be present on Sunday if I can get tickets to the game in
Houston, who will be playing my hometown team even if all I can bring for them
is a misplaced hope.
Thursday 1:30-3:00
Paths to Knowing God in the Reformation
“The Spirit of the Prophets: Ludwig Haetzer on Scripture and
the Voice of the Spirit.” - Geoffrey Dipple, Augustana College
“Knowing God through Dreams: Thomas Muentzer on Dream
Revelations.” - Michael G. Baylor, Lehigh University
Thursday 3:30-5:00, I will attend one of these three panels
Rereading Critical Reformation Texts: Luther, Calvin, and
Forgotten Reformer and Their (Almost) Forgotten Texts
Editing Martin Bucer, Then and Now
Thursday 6:30-7:30
Society for Reformation Research Roundtable: Holy
Lands/Sacral Places/ Sacred Spaces in the Early Modern Period
Friday 8:30-10:00, I will attend either
In Memoriam Robert Kingdon: Criminality and Calvinism in
Geneva and France
Protestant Perspectives on Prophecy in Sixteenth-Century
or perhaps sneak over for one paper titled, “Suffering as
Consolation: Thomas Müntzer, Martin Luther, and the Truth Crisis of the Early
Reformation.” Vince Evener, University of Chicago Divinity School
Friday 10:30-12:00
Martin Bucer and the Radicals
“New Perspectives in Bucer’s Attitudes towards the
Radicals.” - Stephen Buckwalter, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaft
“Erasmus and Bucer on the Radical Reformation.” - Laurel
Carrington, St. Olaf College
“A Most Faulty Theologian: Spiritualism and Reform in the
Careers of Bucer and Franck.” - Patrick Hayden-Roy, Nebraska Wesleyan
Friday 1:30-3:00, one of these
The Implementation of Social & Religious Reform in Early
Modern Europe
Early Modern Ecclesiologies
New Approaches to the Scandinavian Reformations
Defining Tradition: Early Modern Conceptions of Tradition
Friday 3:30-5:00
Radical Theologies from Different Perspectives
“Zwingli’s Early Anabaptist Convictions: History or
Mythology?” - Brian Brewer, Truett Theological Seminary
“Preaching the ‘Gospel of All Creatures’: The Radical
Christology of Hans Hut.” - Marvin Anderson, University of Toronto
and I’ll have to see if I can in some way access a
presentation at another panel, “Philip Melanchthon and the ‘Raving
Anabaptists’: The End of Moderation.” - Rebecca Peterson, University of Mary
Friday 6:00-7:00
“Contending with Idols: Reformation, Revolutions, Miracles,
and the Disenchantment of History.” - Carlos Eire, Yale University
Saturday 8:30-10:00 either
Tales of Turning: Conversion Narratives in Early Modern
Promise and Fulfillment in Reformed Theology
Forms of English Theology in the Early Modern Period
Saturday 10:30-12:00
Christian Life in Light of Scripture: Luther and Lutheran
Saturday 1:30-3:00
Protestant Non-Conformity and Dissent
“Dissenting across Borders: The Development of a
Transnational ‘Mennonite’ Identity among Swiss Brethren and Dutch Doopsgezinden
in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” - Troy Osborne, Bluffton
Saturday 3:30-5:00 either
Uses of the Fathers in Early Modern Theologies
Luther in Conversation with Other Thinkers and Churches
In Memoriam Robert Kingdon: Marriage in the Reformation
So, we’ll see which ones of these I’ll make it to and I will
try to post updates as they come along.
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